A ‘vibrant and caring’ Isle of Wight school has been graded as good and outstanding in a recent inspection.
Schools inspectorate Ofsted praised the behaviour of pupils at Queensgate Foundation Primary School, its ‘ambitious and broad’ curriculum and extensive range of activities, events and trips on offer.
On October 8 and October 9, inspectors observed what it is like to attend the school, what it does and well and how it could improve.
Their seven page report said:
“Pupils enjoy attending this vibrant and caring school. They rise to the high expectations that the school has for their conduct by following the ‘Queensgate Code’.
“As a result, pupils consistently demonstrate respect for each other.
“They behave well and respond positively to instructions.”
Examining Queensgate’s curriculum, the inspectors noted:
“It has identified the key knowledge and vocabulary that pupils should gain in all subjects.
“The school has recently strengthened the curriculum in some subjects. This has resulted in a positive impact on pupils’ outcomes.”
Reading and mathematics were generally identified as strengths.
Staff help most pupils to read well with learning beginning from the start of their time at school.
The inspection report emphasised the mathematics curriculum as especially effective, encouraging pupils to confidently explore a variety of ‘concepts and processes’.
The school received special acclaim for its ‘exceptional’ nurturing of pupils’ personal development with a wide range of opportunities provided to cultivate talents and interests from an early age.
Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are ‘well supported’ with staff shaping lessons to help all pupils get the most out of the curriculum.
Inspectors highlighted two main areas for improvement: “Some staff have not been sufficiently trained in the teaching of early reading.
“The school should ensure that all staff have the knowledge and skills to teach phonics effectively.
“The curriculum in a few subjects has been recently revised. In these subjects, pupils have not always studied a curriculum that enabled them to learn all the important knowledge they need to.
“The school should ensure that revised curriculums are implemented effectively and help pupils to remember and use important subject knowledge.”
Samantha Sillito, headteacher, said:
“We are delighted with our most recent Ofsted inspection report – good with outstanding in personal development.
“It is a snapshot of all the amazing work that goes on every day at Queensgate Foundation Primary School.
“I am very proud of the Governors, staff team and, of course, the fabulous children.”
Since September 2, the Department for Education has done away with single word judgements to provide a ‘much more complete picture’ of schools’ performance.