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More Homes Wanted In Wootton Housing Development

Lushington Hill, Google

Additional houses are wanted in a Wootton housing development.

Planning permission for nine residential units had been granted for the new Hunter’s Moon Close at the top of Lushington Hill but now developers, Solent Homes, are asking for permission to add in two more three-bed houses.

Plots six and seven at the back of the under-construction cul-de-sac would be split further, downgrading their agreed double garages to single to make access to the new houses, creating a total of 11 units, — in a move planning agents argue would not cause overdevelopment.

Andrew White Planning Consultancy said the development had become very popular, with three of the houses already occupied while the others are built, and through the course of the building works ‘it became apparent’ the land could further be optimised by constructing more housing.

The agents say with generous spacing between the proposed buildings, the new housing would appear as an ‘organic evolution of the development’ and not awkward, tackling comments from objectors the site would become cramped.

Hunters Moon Close, the revised layout including the two proposed houses. (Picture: Simon Denness Architecture)

With the original nine homes nearing completion it is thought the houses could be built quickly, if approval is given, with money being contributed to off-site affordable housing.

One objector said the original plans for two houses and seven bungalows had been continuously revised to now include a possible six houses and five bungalows, which represents a significant overdevelopment of the site with a potentially higher increase in traffic on an already very busy road.

To view or comment on the application (20/02235/FUL), you can view the Isle of Wight Council’s planning portal.

Comments will be accepted until February 5.

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